• English
  • United States


Refund policy

We are committed to ensuring customer satisfaction and providing transparent, efficient refund services. Please read the following refund policy for specific circumstances, required actions, and processing times.

Refund Situations:

  1. Product Quality Issues: If you receive a product with quality problems such as damage or defects, you are entitled to request a refund.

  2. Dissatisfaction or Incorrect Purchase: If you are dissatisfied with a purchase or need to return an item due to an error in purchase, you may request a refund within 30 days of purchase.

  3. Non-Receipt of Goods: If you do not receive your order within the specified delivery time, you may contact us to request a refund.

Actions Required by the User:

  1. Submitting a Refund Request: Please submit a refund request through our official website or contact our customer service team, providing the order number, purchase date, and detailed reason for the refund.

  2. Returning the Product: If you need to return a product, please ensure it is in its original condition and includes all original accessories and packaging materials.

Website Processing Time:

  1. Upon receiving a refund request, we will process it within 1-3 business days and provide the return address if applicable.

  2. Once we receive and inspect the returned item(s), we will arrange for a refund within 7-10 business days.

Refund Processing Time:

  1. Once the refund processing is complete, the refund amount will be returned to your original payment method within 7-10 business days.

  2. If your refund includes shipping fees incurred at the time of purchase, the refund will deduct the corresponding shipping fee amount.

Please note that the actual time for refunds to appear in your account may vary depending on the processing speed of your bank or payment provider, resulting in potential delays.

We aim to provide a better shopping experience and safeguard your rights through a clear refund policy. If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact our customer service team.